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Showing 201-210 of 210 business listings for your search: Restaurants

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Featured Listings

Apple Peddler Restaurant The

125 Ponderosa Dr, Sutherlin, OR 97479 (541) 459-2632

Experience true family dining at The Apple Peddler Restaurant. We offer daily specials, wonderful desserts and breakfast anytime. Easy freeway access with RV & truck parking. We also have a senior & children’s menu.

Listings for search: Restaurants

Waterfront Restaurant & Lounge

3251 Riverfront Way, Reedsport, OR 97467 | (541) 271-1080

Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers

798 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97471 | (541) 673-1392

Winchester Pub & Grill

5719 NE Stephens St, Winchester, OR 97495 | (541) 673-2042

Winston Drive Inn

53 NE Main St, Winston, OR 97496 | (541) 679-5812

Wolf Creek Inn

100 Front St, Wolf Creek, OR 97497 | (541) 866-2474

Workman's Bar & Smokehouse

263 Main St, Winston, OR 97496 | (541) 900-1414

Wrappin & Rollin

(541) 637-9442


250 NE Garden Valley Blvd #5, Roseburg, OR 97470 | (541) 900-1221

Yoncalla Deli

134 Main St, Yoncalla, OR 97449 | (541) 849-2934